McConnel Magnum Elite Offset flail topper in very good condition. Year 2019, 1.62 metres (5’ 4”) working width, 155 degrees flail angle, side skids, rear roller, hammer flails. Runs well, very tidy
Used Shelbourne Reynolds CB150 saw dust dispenser with Bobcat brackets For sale on behalf of a customer Call Andrew on 07860152612 for more information
Used Massey Ferguson 7270 AL4 Combine Harvester 16ft header 240 drum hours Very low engine hours Ready to go Contact Robert 01588 620545 for more information
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If you know the specific type of machine that you are looking for then view the complete listing on our dedicated machiney category browsing page. Here you can view all of the available manufacturers for every type of machine. For example, if you are interested in combine harvesters then click on the arrow to see which manufacturers are available on the Farm Machinery Pages website.