Ex Demo - set of 3 QA5 units with 7blade cylinder/reels, 2" solid grooved front roller with solid endcaps, 2" smooth rear roller, rear roller power brushes, set up with 2750 yokes and grass box mounts.
Demonstrator Unit - QA5 units with 11 blade cylinder/reels, grooved front rollers with solid end caps, greens tender conditioner(brush), rear roller power brushes, 2750E attaching yokes. No grass boxes.
Ex demonstration - From the TechControl display to contour following and grass catchers, the 2750 E-Cut Hybrid excels in every discipline. With TechControl, consitency independent of the operator is without fail. Just input the settings the course manager prefers � then watch everyone replicate same performance!...
From the TechControl display to contour following and BLACK grass catchers, the 2750 E-Cut Hybrid excels in every discipline. With TechControl, consitency independent of the operator is without fail. Just input the settings the superintendent prefers � then watch everyone replicate same performance! With 18 degrees...