POWER UNIT ONLY Ex demonstrator - STrac 700 features easy controls on its powerful guiding handle and a set of inter-changeable heads which all come with a working width of 65 cm. A very short turning radius means the rear wheels can adopt a variety of operating positions, while the tools connect effortlessly,...
Faster pull-in time and improved performance in shaded conditions Provides +/- 6 inch pass-to-pass accuracy Options to upgrade for enhanced accuracy and longer term repeatability Rapid Recovery feature can quickly re-acquire lost signals
iTEC Pro stands for Intelligent Total Equipment Control. Compatible with the GreenStar 3 or GreenStar 2 system. iTEC Pro is the next step toward complete tractor automation and works with SF1, SF2, or RTK accuracy levels. When paired with AutoTrac, this system accurately guides the tractor around an optimal end of...
Cousins 30′ Hydraulic folding Cambridge rolls C/w 22″ breaker rings. Although the rings are getting worn, these are a good set of rolls, complete and ready to go to work. £2500 + VAT