HE-VA Ex - Demo Euro Tiller c/w front harrow, front shattaboard, rear shattaboard, following harrow, spring tine eradicators and spare wheel.Retail £38,902Price - £26,670+ £300 Carriage.(Serial No. 34421, Year 2018) Warranty Terms - 6 MONTH
Amazone AD-P 303 Special KG 3000 power harrow - 3m working width - Hydraulic markers - 580mm KW wedge ring roller - Single disc coulters - Tine Following harrow
C/w new points, good discs, DD Lite wide spaced packer This has hydraulic wing locking, 2 hydraulic services to the rear, and is overall in reasonable condition for the age. It has had some welding to the frame, however done well and we have been through it to make it ready for work. A decent example of its kind, that...
ride on rotary mower, 25.2hp 3 cylinder diesel engine, hydrostatic transmission, 2wd, hydraulic raise and lower to the 54" rear discharge rotary cutting deck with shearbolt protection, cut height ranges from 1 in. to 4.5 in. (25 mm to 112 mm), hydraulic lift to the high tip grass collection hopper(650ltr). Emptying...
GXi8 HD working width 180 cm � 3.2 km / hr working speed with 110 mm square hole spacing � Area coverage per hr with 110 mm square holes spacing � 5 600 m�/ hr (GXi8 HD) � With VibraStop, PowerPack, QuickSet, QuickFit � Minimal maintenance effort (only six lubricating points) � Minimal disruption to play...