Claas Elios 230 on row crop type wheels. Iveco/FPT 4 cylinder turbo engine, 3 D/A spool valves, 2 speed Eco PTO, 40k twinshift power shuttle transmission, pivoting front fenders, Air-con and Air-seat, opening windscreen, etc. Only 1940 hours and in very nice original condition. - Date of Reg: 01/03/2019 - Horsepower: 92 - Gear: Hi-Lo - Transmission: 24/24 Twinshift, Power shuttle, 40kph - Traction Type: 4WD - Cylinders: 4T - No. of Hydraulic Spool Valves: 3 - Fuel Type: Diesel - Front Tyres: 320/85 R 32 (12.4 R 32) - Rear Tyres: 380/80 R 38 (14.9 R 38)